The reservation link to reserve your room for the 116th NC State Convention is listed below. Group code S06NCRL 116th State Convention Harrah’s Resort & Casino 777 Casino Drive, Cherokee, NC 28719 June 20 thru 22, 2022 Phone (800) 427-7247 Room Rate is $109.00 + tax ~ Group is NC Rural Letter Carriers Reservations […]
Rutherford/Polk/Henderson/Transylvania District #47 will hold a Business Meeting on May 3, 2022 to elect District Officers and State Convention Delegates. Guest speakers will be Assistant Distant Representative Eddie Moss and Executive Committeeman Jay Schreiber. For further information contact President Sheila Hooper at 828.429.6869 or Secretary/Treasurer Cynthia Beheler at 828.395.3417.
Foothills District #10 will hold a business meeting on May 3, 2022. Elections for District Officers and NC State Convention Delegates will be held. Guest speakers will be Full-time ADR Jeff Essick and NCRLCA Secretary-Treasurer Vicki Gray.
Five County/Person District #28 will hold its annual Spring Business Meeting on May 3, 2022. Elections for District Officers and State Convention Delegates will be held. Guest speakers include PAC Chair Brenda Gibbs, Assistant District Representative Gail Naillon, and Executive Committeeman Brian Hamlett.
Caswell/Rockingham District #14 will hold a Business Meeting to elect District Officers and State Convention Delegates on May 4, 2022. This meeting is members-only but non-members who wish to attend can join at the meeting. Guest speakers include Assistant District Representative Gail Naillon and Executive Committeeman Tracy Greer.
Randolph District #42 will hold a members-only Business Meeting on Thursday, May 5, 2022, to elect District Officers and State Convention Delegates. Any non-member who wishes to attend the meeting can join at the meeting. Guest speakers include a member of the NSS Steward System as well as NCRLCA Secretary-Treasurer Vicki Gray.
Watauga/Avery District #57 will hold a Business Meeting on Friday, May 6, 2022, to elect District Officers and State Convention Delegates. District Representative Bethany Small and NCRLCA Vice-President Elaine Althoff are the guest speakers. Dinner will be provided for attendees.
Sea Level District #23 will hold a business meeting on May 11, 2022 to elect officers and delegates to the State Convention. Guest speakers include District Representative Bethany Small and Executive Committeeman Jay Schrieber.
Peach Belt District #5 will hold its Business Meeting On Tuesday, May 17, 2022. New officers will be elected. Please RSVP to Billie Helton at 910.334.0607 or Terry Jones at 910.894.0688 by May 12, 2022, as dinner will be provided to attendees. Guest speakers include NCRLCA President Audrey Solomon.