
You must be a member of the North Carolina Rural Letter Carriers Association to have access to the content of this website.
To join please complete the following:
- NRLCA form 1187 for all actively employed carriers or form 1187 R for all retired rural carriers
- Our current dues amounts are listed here
- Print the form, fill in the blanks, sign, date and mail it to the State Secretary
If you have any questions please call Vicki Gray at 910-745- 8815.
After your completed form is received and processed you will receive your official membership card and all your benefits of membership shall begin.
Congratulations on becoming a member of your union !
To be able to join the NRLCA, you must be employed by the USPS and
- work in the Rural Carrier Craft as a Regular, Substitute, RCR, RCA, or ARC
- Or you must be a Retired Rural Carrier